1. ccRemover::dat
    A simulated scRNA-Seq data.
  2. ccRemover::human_cell_cycle_genes
    Homo Sapien genes which are annotated to the cell-cycle
  3. ccRemover::mouse_cell_cycle_genes
    Mus Musculus genes which are annotated to the cell-cycle
  4. ccRemover::t.cell_data
    Single-Cell RNA-Seq data from differentiating T-helper cells
    matrix|7073 x 81
  5. ClussCluster::Hou_sim
    A truncated subset of the scRNA-seq expression data set from Hou et.al (2016)
  6. ClussCluster::sim_dat
    A simulated expression data set.
  7. DiPhiSeq::example_data
    Numeric count matrix of example data.
  8. SparseDC::cell_type_biase
    Biase Data Cell Type
  9. SparseDC::condition_biase
    Biase Data Conditions
  10. SparseDC::data_biase
    Biase Data
    matrix|16514 x 49
  11. SparseMDC::cell_type_biase
    Biase Data Cell Type
  12. SparseMDC::condition_biase
    Biase Data Conditions
  13. SparseMDC::data_biase
    Biase Data
    matrix|16514 x 49